Thursday, April 29, 2010

Parking Lot Blues

Blue Sky that is.... The parking lot's view that i park in aint too shabby. across the lake is Downtown D*sney. Tried to get some boats in the photo.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Training Week is OVER

HOORAY!!! I Passed!!! I've been training on new spa treatments the past few days and tested on them today for about 7 hours. The pressure of remembering every tiny aspect of these therapies was intense...

which led to this...

which led to being too cheap and drunk @ stardust and going to 7-11 to buy ghetto beer. But not before a photo shoot in aisle 3. I won't be posting the photos involving hot dogs...

Sunday, April 25, 2010


So proud of our fruit bowl today. Thats a green tomato (which we fried and put on sammiches) and an Ugli fruit from Jamaica. It was created when someone crossed an Orange with a Tangerine and a Grapefruit. You eat it just like an orange...

Saturday, April 24, 2010


The original gay publix on Colonial Road has the best flowers sometimes..


Here are some of Chantry's latest clutches. I love the one on the bottom, but she's already sold. The top left one is a tri-fold jewelry bag. meow

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Check out this website to download their PDF titled "The Dirty Thirty". It's the thirty most toxic and most used ingredients in skincare. Check your favorite products against this list!!!   Dirty Thirty

Just to keep this blog on track here is a random photo of my day. It's my homosexual life partner/ super gay boyfriend CHANTRY sewing an amazing quilted clutch. I shot the photo and this new app on my iphone called hipstamatic. it takes toy camera ish photos.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

cycling trivialities

Went for a bike ride after my hydro tub training today. I'd say about 30 miles total

Eventually mi madre linked up with me @ the cady way trail, where a small bald man on an adult trike with three teeth struck up a sweet convo...after, almost vocationally, waving at the drones of cars.

...then stopped for a bite to eat at colibri, where my fabulous gay boyfriend CHANTRY stopped by. mahi mahi fish tacos and mole rojo by the lake!

Bath Time

Hydro Tub training at my spa today. notice the rubber ducky...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Diana+

     Well, Chantry finally talked me into blogging. I needed a fun enough model to do creative things with yet simple enough to ditch at the first sign of failure...So we decided to do sort of a photo journal type thingy. A photo a day. maybe every other day. I'll try every day for now.

I guess I'll start by introducing a camera that I love. and hope to put photos from it on here soon.
its the Diana+. I love photo overlapping. its cheaply built so you get light leaks. and the lens is plastic which creates a dreamlike look to the photos...

I'll need to go purchase one of these as well due too this one being on loan from our friend keti.